About Us
The mission of Lovettsville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company is to provide the citizens and visitors of Lovettsville and the surrounding areas with prompt, high quality responses in the event of fire, illness, injury, or disaster. This service shall be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week by competent, well trained, professional personnel.
Our History
In 1965 a group of interested men discussed the possibility of forming a fire and rescue company. Prior to that year, Lovettsville had to rely on Brunswick MD, Purcellville, VA and other surrounding towns to provide fire services and on Loudoun Rescue Squad for rescue services. The group determined that there was a real need for such vital services to be nearby, and in February 1966 first aid courses were initiated.
“During the1960’s the Loudoun County Rescue Squad, which was based at Hamilton, established outposts at Leesburg and Purcellville. When their idea of branching out into the eastern portion of the county failed, they decided to explore the requests of several Lovettsville citizens to locate a unit there. Dewey Hill and I were assigned the task of conducting the Red Cross Standard and Advanced First Aid Courses which ran from February through May of 1966. When the County Squad was informed that 12 men had qualified to become Rescue Squad men, the whole arrangement fell apart as the Lovettsville 12 would have too much voting power in the parent organization. They calculated on only about 5 new members. That’s when the Lovettsville Rescue Squad was started”. – Bob Grubb
The Lovettsville Rescue Squad became a reality in August 1966. The original rescue vehicle was a 1955 Ford Van, loaned by Dr. George Hocker.
“Dr. Hocker loaned us the first ambulance and stretcher, we kept it at the Game Club, under back of building. I got equipment from Ft. Detrick, Mt. Airy — first aid kits, uniforms, oxygen, equipment, blankets, and sheets — that’s how we got equipped. There were a few monitors, old ones. I remember the first ambulance trip. Marguerite Payne needed to get to the hospital. Bill Laird, Jim Gabbert and I took her. I was the ‘Aid Man’. Went to Arlington Hospital, went through red lights; I held the ice bag.” – Bob Riddlemoser
The following spring, Loudoun Rescue Squad donated a 1958 4×4 vehicle formerly used for Civil Defense.
“Then we got a Cadillac Ambulance; we outfitted it the same way. Wonder they didn’t shoot us. Then the CD 4-wheel drive — same way”. – Bob Riddlemoser
A fire company was formed in April 1967 and the organization incorporated as the Lovettsville District Fire and Rescue Company, Inc.
“I remember fire schools with Bill Sheetz and ‘Snake’ Compher. I remember chicken barbecues, banquets, the float for the Armistice Day Parade, spiked water in the canteen, being taken home from Laird’s in three feet of snow, and not feeling too well.” – Bob Riddlemoser
The first fire truck was a 1947 Pumper.
“I remember the first house fire; Dave Redmond died in the fire”. – Bob Riddlemoser
“I remember one some of our early fire runs on some of the Lovettsville one-lane back roads. The equipment, of course, was old and the early drivers only knew how to drive fast. I was trying to hang onto the bar on the rear platform — didn’t think we would ever get there in one piece”. – John Lemp
The Company rented a barn outside of town (the old Hardy Feed Store) and in 1968 purchased 0.6 acres of land adjoining the barn site in order to have enough land to comply with county regulations to erect a metal building.
“I remember we had our first meeting in Mr. Dan Hardy’s old feed store/barn. Chief Riddlemoser was describing where the office and equipment bays would be. All I could think of was the old feeding stalls, the concrete trough in the floor and the wood stacked up everywhere”. – John Lemp
“I was asked to dismantle the old feed store. Cliff, Larry Frye, and Reggie’s brother helped to do the work. The building was put together with wooden pegs. We found some wooden water pipes in the top of the barn. I have always heard that the building was used as a supply store during the Civil War.” – William Painter
The first banquet was held on October 27, 1966 at 7:00 PM at the Lovettsville Elementary School. The meal was served by the Lovettsville PTA. Menu: Celery, Cranberry Sauce, Roast Turkey, Dressing, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Cole Slaw, Peas, Hot Rolls, Coffee, and Pie a la Mode. Program: Invocation by Rev. Mike Kretsinger, Welcome by George Wells, Toastmaster – Hugh Grubb, Presentation of Red Cross First Aid Cards by Robert Grubb, Guest Speaker – Charles “Chick” Seay, Movie – “That They May Live”.
The first slate of officers: President George Wells, Vice President Ken Harrington, Secretary/Treasurer John Lemp, Rescue Captain Peter F. Legard, Jr., Engineer Robert C. Riddlemoser, Medical Advisor Dr. George T. Hocker, Legal Advisor Sterling M. Harrison.
1968: The Ladies Join the Gents
Mae Bramhall, Dolly Gabbert, Ann Hardy, Beryl Harrington, Elaine Neal, JoAnn Peck, Peggy Shugars, Elaine Walker and Shirley Wells stepped forward to form the Ladies Auxiliary which was granted a charter in 1968.
1974: New Building and Bingo Begins
The current building was constructed in 1974 and has had two subsequent additions built.
Bingo has Continued every Saturday night (accept for the first Saturday of November when the annual awards and installation banquet is held and times of inclement weather) at 7 P.M. It is put on by the same volunteers who come to your side when you dial 911! They do not get paid to run the calls, or work the bingo. They do it to help raise money to pay for the equipment, gear, fuel and many other things it takes to run a Fire Station. We would love to have come out for bingo and help us continue our service.
1978: Company 12 gets their second Tanker
The department’s first tanker was Arcola’s first fire truck. The GMC truck had a 1,250 gallon water tank. In 1978 it was replaced with a 1972 Chevrolet Truck that was purchased from a Coal Company and sent to 4-guys in Pennsylvania to be made into a tanker. The taker had a front-mount pump and carried 3,800 gallons of water.
1987: Delivery of a New Mack MC/4-guys Tanker
New tanker no. 12 carried 2,500 gallons and was sold in 1999 to the Kuttawa Kentucky Fire department.
1991: Lovettsville contracted with Grumman for two new trucks
Wagon 12 was a 1991 Grumman Panther that was equipped with a 1,250 GOPM pump and carried 1,000 gallons of water.
Squad 12 was built on an International Chassis.
1994: One of Loudoun’s First “Monster Medic” ambulances
In 1994 Lovettsville purchased a new Freightliner 60 ambulance built by E-One. In 2002 the ambulance was sold to the Reva Volunteer fire department in Culpeper.
1999: Lovettsville contracted for two new trucks with Peirce Manufacturing.
Wagon 12 which replaced the 1991 Grumman had a 1,250 GPM pump and held 1,000 gallons of water, and Tanker 12 which also had a 1,250 GPM pump and had a 1,500 gallon water tank.
2003: A new truck for Lovettsville
Attack no 12 is an international chassis truck build by pierce, it is equipped with a 1,000 GPM pump and carries 500 gallons of water. Attack 12 was renamed Engine 612 and served alongside Wagon 12 for many years. Most recently it was renamed Engine 612 Bravo in accordance with new naming standards recently put into effect in Loudoun County.
2011: New Brush Truck 612
A 2011 Ford F350 brush truck was put in service. The tank, pump, tools, and some of the storage boxes were reused off of “Elizabeth” the 1968 Kaiser Jeep which previously served as the brush unit from station 12 which was sold via silent auction in 2010.
2011: County Tanker arrives.
LVFR takes advantage of the new Loudoun County Fire and Rescue Tanker program The 1999 Peirce Tanker was sold, and the first County Tanker was delivered. It was transferred from Hamilton Fire and Rescue and was an International Chassis build buy 4-Guys and carried 3,000 Gallons of water. The International tanker was temporary until the brand new county tanker could be built and delivered in 2013.
2012: First Annual Mud Run
LVFR establishes a new and radical fundraising idea; we host a physical fitness challenge in the form of a “Mud Run” where people will pay to run an obstacle course through mud, slip and slides, climbing walls, and hurdles. The mud run has been expanded each year since and has been a good source of fundraising for the company.
2012: New Ferrara Pumper “Wagon 612” is placed in service.
LVFR ordered in 2011 a new first due class A pumper to be named “Wagon 612.” The Wagon was completed and arrived to LVFR in October 2012. It took a couple of months to get all the equipment installed and get it ready to run calls. In November of 2012, Wagon 612 was placed in service and began its long career serving the citizens of Lovettsville. Multiple Fund drives are occurring to help pay for Wagon 612 as it came in just under 3/4 of a million dollars.
Wagon 612 was renamed Engine 612 in early 2013 in order to keep with the county’s new naming convention.
2013: New County Tanker
The new tanker that is provided to Lovettsville but owned and maintained by Loudoun County is a Mack chassis that was customized by Pierce. It features a 1500 GPM Single stage pump and carries 3061 gallons of water.