Volunteer Application

Would you like to make a real difference in your town? Membership with Lovettsville Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company is a great way to contribute.

We will provide the training, the equipment, and support to help you become a contributing member of a vital part of our town’s support structure.  All you need to have is the time and motivation, and in return you’ll gain the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped your neighbors at their most difficult times.

As Lovettsville grows, so will our call volumes and our need for more volunteers. Both Operational members (Fire Fighters and EMTs) and Administrative staff are equally important in ensuring we can respond when we are needed most.  If being an Operational member isn’t for you, our Administrative staff assist with our fund raising activities like Bingo, Santa Breakfasts, and Fundrives as well as other activities.

If you would like more information, please use the contact form from the website or:

Getting started with Company 12 is easy…. 

  1. You must be at least 13 years of age to apply for cadet membership and at least 16 years of age for other membership categories.
  1. A member of the Membership Committee will contact you to set a date and time for an interview.
  1. Completion of an application with a full background check and driving record. We are required by Virginia state law (12VAC5-31-540) to obtain a criminal history background check conducted through the Central Criminal Records Exchange operated by the Virginia State Police. A background check and driving record are not required for cadet membership.
  1. Your application will be submitted by the Membership Committee to the Executive Board. A member of the Membership Committee will contact you and let you know the date of this meeting. It is at this meeting that the Executive Board will review your application and make their recommendation. Your attendance at this meeting is strongly recommended.
  1. After the Executive Board’s review, your application will come before the general membership of the company for a vote. A member of the Membership Committee will contact you and let you know the date of the general membership meeting. It is at this meeting that the general membership will review your application. Your attendance at this meeting is required. A majority vote by the general membership shall decide if your application is accepted or declined.

    First & Last Name

    Phone Number




    Do you have experience?

    Your Age

    Brief description why you want to volunteer